1. 7 loads of laundry (gasp!)
2. filing taxes into binders from their boxes (space saving)
3. Research and applying for heath insurance (scary)
4. Taking care of bogus "right on red" ticket (on going - but my next step of paper work is done)
5. New Cable box (even though don't have cable - just for network TV)
6. New TV wall mount ordered (hurrah - will get the damn thing of the credenza once and for all)
7. LP to the vet to get nails trimmed - yeah right! Also ended up that he had a chest infection, ear infections and a paw infection!
8. Steam cleaned carpets throughout apartment
9. Worked with Little Pig on his audition for "Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2"
Now that I have bored you to death with that I shall share some of the fun from the weekend! My very dear friends Alia and Sabrina have finally come to their senses and moved to Los Angeles (hurrah!). Therefore, I decided to introduce them to 2 of my favorite things...
On Saturday nights during the summer, the "Forever Cemetery" hold screenings of movies on a grassy patch with the film being projected on the side of a Colosseum. All the proceeds go to restoring/ keeping the grounds and it is an overall great time!

We dined on Trader Joe snacks that we purchased and although froze to death...had a great time!

Then Monday, we took an afternoon drive up the coast to "Neptune's Net" for fish and chips on the beach and to give Little Pig a bit of a romp (even though he hates the beach)...