What can I say - yesterday was so dull that I did not even post.
Today we wrapped at 1:30pm so Tawa, Dan and I decided to go and see a movie. Which movie you ask? We wanted "Bruno" but it was only playing at 9:30pm (too late for us senior citizens), therefore I voted for "Ice Age" and was then out numbered by Dan and Tawa (well lets be honest - it was really all Tawa) to see "Phelem 123" (or should I say "flem 123" - it was that nasty)!
The movie was terrible - so much so that it was kind of amazing (in a "Snakes on the Plane" sort of a way). The dialogue pretty much consisted of Travolta (or "Ravolta" as my mother calls him) screaming "Check me motha' fuckerrr". It would make the movie a hell of a lot more exciting if one were to tally the number of times that line is yelled (note to those who are going to endure the movie - take notepad, pen and flash light).

Anyhow, we all did our best impressions of Travolta (sadly - as comical as these may seem, they are in fact true depictions of what Travolta was like on screen)...
Love the random one of me walking to the car! CHECK ME, MOTHAFUCKA!