The place was beautifully restored and very interesting. We were slightly peckish after so decided to have some tea in the gardens (delightful!)...

We then realized that we had very little time before having to head back to Bedford for our simulated skydive. But not before we walked the grounds a little more...

Who would have thought that the words largest simulated sky dive/ wind tube would be in none other than Bedford??!! Monette and I took this as a sign that we had to go and give it a go. It is a 10 minute drive from the Swan but again felt like another country as it is in a totally run down industrial area...

Our instructor Dave gave us some hand signals to obey once in the tube...

And then we got all "kitted up" as they say in what I can only describe as a girls worst enemy - the shapeless, all in one suit that has extra padding and foam both on the outer and inner thigh (agh!)...

Once we went througb the sci-fi egg door I was not allowed to take my camera with me so had to rely upon their camera which captured the following...

It was so much fun! We went really high and realized the following -
1. we do not look good with face lifts
2. If one opens ones mouth whilst in the wind tube, one looks like Wallace from Wallace and Grommet
3. Boogers that exit ones nose are quickly suctioned up into - well who knows where??!!
4. There is no hiding the tummy
Despite the above we had a great time!
We then decided to explore the grounds as it looked very much like a post apocalyptic zone...

We crept into a crumbling building...

Survived only to be found by security and told that the buildings are all full of aspestos (hurrah!)...
Anyhow, we then ventured back home - but not before stopping by Bedfords version of " Bed, Bath and Beyond" (which I have coined "Bed, Bath and Bedford") where I purchased yet another candle (am pretty sure that housekeeping think that I conduct seances every night).

Then it was to the Swan for an early dinner - what a mistake!

The food was MISERABLE and the service appalling. We decided to get dessert as we thought that would be a safe bet. Monette got the cheese cake and I the cream brulee (which was called a "Basil Creme Brulee" - I asked the waitress if that meant the herb "basil" as that would be weird and she said "no")...
Ummmm it WAS the herb basil and subsequently the creme brulee tasted like pasta sauce (uukk), not only that it looked like runny custard (we did not eat it). The Cheese cake was whipped cream cake (uukkk) - terrible times!
By the way there was some good that came from dining at the Swan. Monette and I almost died laughing in the dining room as I added almost an entire salt shaker to my food to give it flavor (I would have added more if Monette had not put a stop to it) but once I stopped, all you could hear in the restaurant was a symphony of salt shakers going off as people kept doing the same exact thing that I had! You would think once you go through salt in truck loads that the chef would assume that there was something wrong with the food...
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