I am exhausted as I believe that I have now been up for a solid 24 hours - sigh.
It was depressing and heart wrenching enough that I had to leave my beloved Pig and husband behind to leave for the UK today...

But the worst part was that I somehow managed to catch the worlds worst flight (I just made it sound as though I caught a cold - it would have been more pleasant to get the bubonic plague)...
Everything started off alright...

But then we took off and the lights kept flickering and we were told that there was a problem with the electricity so that we had to fly back to LAX. If that was not bad enough, once we landed and they were trying to fix the problem we had no air in the cabin. It got hot really quickly but they would not let us off. A lady fainted and was finally let off the plane but not before they found that the communication system in the plane was also broken.
Long story short? They did not fix either problem and took off "World War Two style" (those were the pilots exact words). I was not confident that I was to live but here I am writing yet another entry into my bloggywog (hurrah). My last grumblings are that NO ONE SHOULD EVER FLY UNITED - they are evil, awful, dirty and horrid and there was no food served except for pretzels? Everything else you had to pay for??!!

Ok ok, enough about that!
I finally arrived at the hotel - thank god it was a mini oasis. Clean, neat, and with a huge bathroom.

Bad news? There was only one bed in the room which meant that Stacey and I were not only sharing a room but also a bed??!! We are hoping that this changes, but we are simply too tired to fight the battle today!

Anyhow, after a quick shower, Natascha arrived (she took a 3 hour bus ride to come and see me today and I am forever grateful). We had a lovely walk to a Crep place where we dined on yummy food and got caught up on all the happenings in our lives. We realized that we had not seen each other in over 6 years - I really could not believe it as it does not seem that long but I guess it is because we all stay in such good contact.

Anyhow, we then went to meet Julie in Hyde Park - I think that it is funny that I had to come from Los Angeles to the UK to get sunburned!! Anyhow, it was lovely to see Julie too - it was like a mini 10 year reunion! Both Natascha and Julie were exactly the same and it was s comfortable and easy to slip back into our usual banter. I really miss having them closer as I could do with them around the corner so we could pop in on each other.

Finally I started to crash. Natascha had to get her bus back home and then Julie had to get prepared for work tomorrow. I went back to the hotel and went out with Carlo and Stacey for a quick bite. We ate at a non descript place down the street (we tried to find this great place that I was at earlier with Julie and Natascha but my internal GPS is clearly Jet lagged as I took everyone in circles).
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