Not only is the "Swan" totally "uukk", but tonight our Script Supervisor (and frequent appearer on this very blog) Steve's bag was stolen with his passport, camera, per diem, wallet etc in it out of the hotel. Also, Steve Vaughn my beloved on set photographer came home to his room door open and a "do not disturb" sign on the door??!!
We are all on "high alert" which sucks as we are here for 3 weeks and to not feel safe or comfortable is rather scary... What is extra creepy about the "Swan" is that the exterior, foyer etc of the place makes it seem like it would be quite lovely...

Could not be further from the truth!
Anyhow, at work we were welcomed back to the hangers...

It was kind of cute, but also a reminder of what we have to endure for the coming weeks...
bla bla bla (its work so cant talk about it - but again UNBELIEVABLE to be on set today - so crazy what they are doing).
Back at the "Swan" we were all dealing with the "Steve-gate" 2009. I felt so bad for him and that there was not much that I could do. The good that came out of this was that everyone rallied with Steve to try and solve the crime (we are not there yet).
I sat with Monette for a little while she had her dinner (steak and salad - very LA of her) at the Swan dining room...

And then I went out with Tawa, Stacey, Harry and Steve to get Lebanese food. It was yummy and despite the fact that I made a fool of myself by making everyone say "shish kebab" whilst getting out photo taken - it was a fun evening!

Well fun until I lost my damn cell phone :(
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