I strolled through this cute little park which I can see from my hotel room window. I accidentally dropped some of my croissant and next thing I knew, the entire pigeon populations of the UK descended upon me - UUKKKKKK!!

I then trolled my way through every shop on Oxford street looking for a damn coffee machine. It had to be stainless steel, insulated, with a warming plate, built in filter, screw top lid, and around 4 - 5 cups. There was nothing that even came close to having any and all these things. Finally, I found a lone little machine in Selfridges (sp?) that was bigger (10 - 12 cup) but had everything else - I am sure that I will be returning it tomorrow but fingers crossed... sigh!
Good news? I also found 2 pairs of really cute shoes!! Much more weather appropriate for London...

My old friend Giles then came over for tea. We sat and had it at the Langham and it was absolutely delightful! The tea was great and the scones delicious...

Giles was really not into having his pic taken - can you tell? Bummer because he looked super cute!
By this time it was 7:30pm. My work husband Carlo came back from visiting his friends, so we rounded up sister wife Monette and went out for dinner. We wanted to eat at Pho because it is freezing here, but sadly it was closed...

Monette had this funny looking camera cover/ case that looked like a wetsuit g-string!

So we popped around the corner to a pub and grabbed some mediocre, greasy food. Carlo and Monette had burgers, while I had what was called "Nachos" but was really doritos and cheese (uukk)!

Sorry for the lame entry - I am super tired today (I think that I am allergic to everything here, I have been popping Antihistamine pills like candy and they seem to have no effect on me). Tomorrow I get picked up at 5:45am so its back to the grind.
oh my gooood—shoes.