Yesterday was spent recovering from the drama of driving in London from the previous day. I awoke with the worlds worst hay fever and therefore totted off to Boots to buy out their stock on anything hay fever related (lucky this was 3 things, as opposed to the States here I would have been bankrupt)... They did not work.
We therefore decided to make good use of the great place that we had and we mooched in all the rooms, including the fab. roof terrace (though there was no sun)...

After some mooching, Monette sister wife and I went to have lunch with our work husband Carlo. Poor Carlo pretty much walked across England yesterday to get to us as the trains had been shut down due to "person under train"! We found this quirky Lebanese place (not to be mistaken as "lesbian" place which is in fact what I first wrote??!!) that was run by Harrods - the food was less than medicore, but the setting quite fun...

They had this orange blossom tea that Monette ordered. It smelled and tasted delightful, so Carlo decided to get one "to go" - they gave it to him in a soup cup??!!

We then went to pick the car up from the garage. We walked past on old neighborhood where Carlo's aunt used to live - we even found her old house!!

Across the street from Carlo's aunts house was a really cute, private street that had houses built like in San Francisco (only English style!!). So cute...

But could never live there as they are clearly not dog people (uukk)...

Again, the weather stared to reflect our mood. The GPS systems were not working, and the rain started to come down just as we were leaving out little mini break...

Naturally we got lost in the middle of nowhere...

I think next weekend we may stay in Bedford!!
Will you post the hate mail?