Funnily enough, we were going to go to Larchmont again yesterday, when I decided that 5 entries about walking there would simply diminish my strong readership (and by strong I mean my 2 fans - Mum and Hana)!

So we decided to change it up and walk on over to Tere's Taco's (a great Mexican place that always gets reviewed as one of the best in Los Angeles).
Ryan got Carne Asada Nachos, while I went with the veggie burrito - delicious as usual (Little Pig tried a lime and surprisingly quite liked it)!
Then, once we were satisfied with our food coma, we decided to walk over to the Los Angeles Tennis Club. Do not be fooled by its seemingly "common" and "public" sounding name. The Los Angeles tennis club is tucked away in Hancock Park and is one of the oldest and most exclusive clubs in Los Angeles. Needless to say that Ryan and I are not members, however we are very good friends with Pedro who is the security guard there.
Pedro is always kind enough to get tennis balls for Little Pig, and we usually spend an hour or so playing fetch on the front lawn whilst chatting and getting all the local gossip from Pedro (its like our very on soap opera)!
After about 6 throws, the Pig overheats and gets exhausted. This does not stop him from being ball obsessed - he then plays on his side??!!
Anyhow, the Pig had a grand time, and I said my "goodbyes" to Pedro as I depart tomorrow for 2 months.
I then came home and attempted to pack - as you can see it looked more like I ransacked my changing room! It all became a little too daunting, so I left it for now!!
Wish I was there to hlp you pack my dear. Travel safely and Iwill see you very soon. SO across the seas, MEM oxxooxoxoxoxox