The day started off dry which was when she shot a few quick scenes inside...

Then as soon as the rain started it was off to the great outdoors! Bad news? I thought that I had gangrene on all my toes by the end of the day as they froze around 10am and we wrapped at around 7pm. Good news? I still have my toes and we were forced to wear these amazing yellow vests...

Me doing my best "America's Next Top Model" poses in the swimmers jacket and vest - Hawt!

Trying to help Monette choose which shoes to wear for the weather (only Monette comes to work with outfit changes!).

Anyhow, the base camp was miles away, so I set up shop in the Visual Effects trailer (thanks to everyone in there for letting me invade!!)...

Keiren, Ricky and Amanda working hard...

Monette and Mike siting pretty!
Then it was back home - the ride to work today took 45 mins. The ride back took almost 2 hours??!! By the time we got back to the Langham, we were all exhausted.
Nevertheless, the exhaustion did not stop Carlo and his sister wives Monette and myself from going out for a family meal.

Carlo and I had found some cute places that we wanted to try, so we chose this little Polish hole in the wall that had great mood lighting and interesting decor.

The hostess was really nice and the food was quite yummy...

On the way home, we played Carlo and my favorite game of "Choose your home" where you are supposed to find the place of your dreams and pretend like you have just arrived back there (why does it seem so silly when I write it out like that - oh wait... because it IS silly... but stop judging... it is fun... really... it is!).

Carlo and I have yet to find our place, but we just so happened to find Monettes!

I think that she did a fine job in choosing a home :)

It was then back to the Langham (our temporary home, though if Carlo had anything to do with it it would be his permanent home!!). Carlo and sister wife Monette held hands for a bit on the way back which made me a little jealous, but maybe it will be my turn tomorrow...
Last but not least, I leave you with another reader submission. Sarah sent over this cute pic of Morgan on her last day before hiatus in Los Angeles - we will miss you dear but cant wait to see you in 6 weeks!!

oh ssssnap that dog is, like, HELLA CUTE!!?